Fill-Rate Course

Fill-Rate Course Only - $299

For Managers of Substitute Teachers


The Fill-Rate Course covers the basics of understanding what SubManagers can do to increase the fill rate, reduce complaints registered against substitute teachers, increase the retention and quality of those in the subpool, and most of all, increase the learning when the permanent teacher is out of the classroom. The course is for any SubManager who wants to increase their effectiveness. It is designed for the very, very busy suboffice personnel and school administrators.


This on-demand course is delivered by video, online text, and worksheets and can be completed at the convenience of your own computer. You may come and go as needed.

What Does Your SubTaskForce Learn with This Course?

Course Outline


  1. SubTaskForce
  2. Who to Recruit
  3. Ways to Recruit
    1. Open House
    2. Emails
    3. Letters
  4. Understanding Surveys


  1. Benefits of Training
  2. Difference Between Training and Orientation
  3. Topics to be Covered in a Training
  4. Topics to be Covered in an Orientation


  1. Recognition
  2. Site Readiness
  3. Communication with Substitute Teachers
  4. Understanding Automated Systems Reports and How to Share that Information

Other Training Options from

  • Teachers
  • Specialists
  • Paraeducators

Course Includes:

Recruiting: SubTaskForce, Who to Recruit, Ways to Recruit, Understanding Surveys

Training: Benefits of Training, Difference Between Training and Orientation, Topics to be Covered in a Training, Topics to be Covered in an Orientation

Retaining: Recognition, Site readiness, Communication with substitute teachers, Understanding automated systems reports and how to share that information

Fill-Rate Course

The SubManagers Basic Online Training Course is a stand-alone four-hour online course designed to review the duties and responsibilities of the SubManager’s position. The course teaches how to use that position to increase the fill-rate and reduce complaints. This course can be completed in about four hours. (Only $299- regularly $499)

100% Money-back guarantee.

Online Chat Mon–Fri 9 am-4 pm MT